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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Internal and External Hemorrhoid Treatment

Internal and External Hemorrhoid Treatment Questions and Videos

Internal Hemorrhoid Treatment

External Hemorrhoid Treatment

Can Hemorrhoid Banding Treat Pain?

This article was published on June 20, 2020, and was last updated on May 1st, 2019 in Hemorrhoid Banding.

Pain is a common symptom of external hemorrhoid(s), but not all hemorrhoids are painful and others , (internal hemmorrhoids), can be horrid painful.

To understand your preferred definition of your bottom-hole, -ie sphincter, asshole, star-fish, mangina, bungholio and the difference between internal and external Hemorrhoids.

It’s helpful, it is important, and healthy to know what hemorrhoids actually are: Firstly, knowing your magical Hemorrhoids, (also known as piles), are cushions of tissue inflamed due to swollen veins in the lower part of your rectum.

Internal hemorrhoids are common, and since they develop inside of you, where there aren’t any pain-sensing nerves, they are typically present their pesky-selves as unnoticed until they present additional symptoms, such as blood in the stool.

External hemorrhoids form around your anus, where there are more pain-sensing receptors. The symptoms of hemorrhoids include itching, swelling, and blood on the toilet paper or in your stool after a bowel movement and /aka shitty Hemorrhoid blood.

An estimated 75% of all Americans will have hemorrhoids at some point in their life.

I am in pain right now. Will hemorrhoid banding help or cause more discomfort?

U.S. North American Traditional hemorrhoid banding procedures, (with use of an ligator tool), that uses a metal clamp to draw in the affected tissue into a tube, so the physician's hand-held banding ligator tool can place a rubber band around the hemorrhoid.

This is very similar when farmers and rancher place tight fitting rubberbands at the base of cow, swine, and other such animals balls/testicles until they turn blue and fall off.

This is exciting isn't? Bet you are so anxious excited now to see the doctor so he can ram that ligator up your bungholio, right? 

Lets not forget if you are a male 98% of the time you get a throbbing penis erection. Grin! No Worries, everyone knows men are close gay, or openly gay, and the rest just pretend being heterosexual, Ahem... j/k / just-kidding, Ahem...

Complaints using this procedure is the metal device can pinch the affected area, causing bleeding, causing pain during the treatment, and with a higher incidence of post-treatment pain.

Endoscopic banding is when doctor can see your bungholio intestinal anal-hole through a micro-video-camera lens throughout proceedure is higher success rate, butt more painful. 

This is the other procedure used treatment of hemorrhoids, but it brings a typically higher incidence of significant post-procedure pain as .

For people wuth hemorrhoids, surgery is rarely necessary.

Are there other hemorrhoid treatments that are less painful than hemorrhoid banding?

While there are many home remedies for bungholio hemorrhoids, they only provide temporary and at time perminant relief from some of the nasty shit being a problem.

Rubber band ligation via Hemorrhoid Ligator Tool techniques effectively treat without causing more pain than other procedures. :)

Unlike other hemorrhoid banding procedures, with the CRH O’Regan System, many patients are able to return to work the same day, and less than 1% experience any post-procedure complications, such as pain and bleeding.

You can purchase a used Hemorrhoid Ligator Tool Set here on eBay for your family doctor friend for Christmas, or just because you are a weird person that does really funny shit: